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Taming Your Bills and Subscriptions

Taming Your Bills and Subscriptions


Taming Your Bills and Subscriptions

In a world filled with bills and subscriptions, it’s easy to feel like you’re drowning in expenses. But what if there was a way to regain control over your finances? 

By mastering the art of negotiation and being vigilant about your subscriptions, you can free up and save back more money each month.

Let’s look at ways you can keep more money in your pocket.


Negotiating Your Bills

Negotiating your bills may seem intimidating, but it’s a skill worth mastering. From your cable, internet, or phone bill, there’s often room for negotiation, and if they won’t budge there’s always other companies to check out. Here are some tips to get you started:

  • Do Your Research: Before contacting your service provider, research their current offers and those of their competitors.
  • Polite, but Persistent: Approach the negotiation with a friendly attitude and be persistent in your pursuit for savings. Remember, truly the worst they can say is no!
  • Highlight Your Loyalty: If you’ve been a long-time and loyal customer, don’t hesitate to mention it. Many companies offer special deals or discounts to retain customers that have been on their books for years.
  • Ask for Discounts or Promotions: Inquire about any available discounts or promotions that you may qualify for. Often, companies have special offers that they don’t openly advertise but that you can opt into and take advantage of.
  • Consider Bundling Services: Bundling services like internet, cable, and phone or insurances like home, auto, and life can often result in significant savings. If you’re not already bundled, explore the options to maximize your savings potential.


Taming Your Subscriptions

Subscription services have a sneaky way of draining your bank account if left unchecked, thanks to the automatic payments they typically require you to be on.

Here’s how you can take control:

  • Regularly Review Your Subscriptions: Set aside time each month to review your subscriptions. Ask yourself what you truly need and what is just a want. Do you need 10 streaming services? Do you need grocery delivery? It’s worthwhile to make difficult decisions on canceling convenience and entertainment subscription services when it improves your finances.
  • Set Reminders for Renewals: It’s easy to forget about subscription renewals, especially if they’re billed annually. Set reminders where you will actively see them and act on them to ensure you’re aware of upcoming payments or renewal dates, in the event you want to cancel them.
  • Don’t Be Submissive to Subscriptions: Just because you signed up for a subscription doesn’t mean you’re obligated to keep it forever. If you have every streaming service, consider which one you truly use and which ones you’re not getting value from, and don’t hesitate to cancel it.
  • Negotiate Subscription Fees: Just like with bills, don’t forget you can possibly negotiate subscription fees. Contact the company and ask if there are any discounts or promotions available – from introductory offers or long-time loyalty benefits.

By mastering some of these strategies, you can begin to take control of your finances and save money each month. Remember, being proactive can pay off!


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