Foster Healthy Money Habits Early
It’s never too early to start teaching financial responsibility. Our youth accounts for kids and teenagers offer parents the tools to set their children up for future success by teaching them responsible spending, saving and general money skills.

M3 Money Club Kids' Account
M3 Money Club is a fun & interactive program of superheroes that teaches your child positive money skills! It also helps parents bring fun, adventure and financial education into the home. This type of account is designed for kids ages 7 to 12. Through our interactive M3 website, along with credit union materials, your child will meet superheroes while learning helpful money skills!

Elements of Money Teen Account
This modern and lively teen account is for savers between the ages of 13 and 17. This account provides entertaining lessons that help young members become savvy with their money. With an interactive website, social media contests and plenty of financial education tools, this account teaches how valuable sharp financial skills are for accomplishing goals that lay ahead.
Upgrade to a New Youth Account
Do you have an existing Regular Share for your child? If so, you can upgrade them to a youth account by stopping by any CSE office or calling the credit union at 330.452.9801.
Opening a Youth Account
There are only two requirements for opening a youth account.
1. You must have the child’s social security card or a government issued ID
2. A youth account requires a minimum deposit of $5.00
Stop by any of our offices to open a child or teen an account. The minimum balance in order to earn dividends on this account is $25.00. If you already have a regular account setup for your child, just tell us that you want to opt them into a youth account!
"Boost" Term Share Certificate
CSE members younger than age 18 have a unique savings opportunity in our "Boost" Term Share Certificate. The Boost Certificate is a 12-month certificate to encourage savings and thrift. Funds can be added to the certificate throughout the term. At the end of the 12 months, members can have the funds rolled into their Regular Share account or renew the certificate. (If a member turns 18 during the certificate term and the certificate is renewed, the certificate will renew at our normal 12-month certificate rate.)
While depositing to the certificate is acceptable and encouraged, withdrawals are not permitted with a Boost certificate. If a Boost certificate is closed before maturation, the early withdrawal penalty we will impose will be 90 days of dividends and may reduce the principal of your certificate.
View Current "Boost" Certificate Rate
Additional Resources for Teaching Money Skills
CollegeAdvantage – A 529 plan is a tax-advantaged way to save for future education costs and CollegeAdvantage is the 529 program for Ohio. Consult a tax advisor for additional tax information.
bizKids – Biz Kids is a fun, half-hour TV series geared towards teenagers about money and business. Using a blend of entertainment and education, this series shows teens how to make and manage their own money.
Practical Money Skills for Life – Visa developed Practical Money Skills for Life to help consumers and students of all ages learn the essentials of personal finance. Visa partnered with key advocates and educators to make it understandable and relatable.
National Endowment for Financial Education (NEFE) – The National Endowment for Financial Education (NEFE) is the leading private nonprofit 501(c)(3) national foundation dedicated to inspiring empowered financial decision making for individuals and families through every stage of life.
Credit Union Network Financial Literacy – The Credit Union Network for Financial Literacy provides innovative financial literacy programs that engage children and adults while promoting the benefits of credit union membership.